Mango FroYo
Sometimes I wonder if I'm crazy to put up something as simple as a frozen yoghurt. But it doesn't seem so crazy when I remember that I actually went and read up on a lot of frozen yoghurt recipes to finally make one.
If you're like me and haven't invested in an ice-cream maker, please read
'How to Make Ice-Cream without a Machine' by David Lebovitz
Please note, these aren't very exact measurements. I got really lucky with very sweet mangoes from our backyard, so I barely had to add any sweetener.
I didn't exactly weigh the mangoes, but eyeballing it, I would say its a cup and a half of pulp. My mother said its approximately 250g of Mango pulp
1/2 cup Mango Pulp
1/4cup Yoghurt (Unstrained)
2 tsp Honey
3 tbsp Chopped Pistachios
- Strain Yoghurt overnight on cheesecloth/muslin/fine-mesh strainer and discard whey.
- Whisk mango pulp and strained yoghurt in a deep dish till you get a uniform consistency.
- Check for sweetness and add honey as required. Like I said I didn't have to add more than 2 teaspoons. But adding more doesn't hurt if your mangoes aren't that sweet.
- Whisk once again and place it in the freezer. Take out in half hour intervals and give a brisk whisk to break up the crystals. They say its better to use a hand blender, we have power issues in summer, so a simple whisk it was for me.
- At the time of the last whisk, around 3.5 hours into the freezer, add chopped pistachios and give one final whisk and freeze.
I'm not a big fan of yoghurt, so I got really lucky with this. It barely tasted of yoghurt but provided the creaminess. The mango flavour kicked in on every bite and I got the added crunch of the nuts. I always like different textures in food. You can avoid the nuts if don't really like them. My mother actually preferred it without the nuts. But I thought the pista actually gave a different dimension to it.
Again, I'm thankful to the KSEB guys for not turning off the power too long so I could freeze this thing. I'm forever afraid to bake in Kerala in summer cos you never really know when the power's going to go off.
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